03 September 2012

Anna Emilia Laitinen x Buy Some Damn Art

Last week on Buy Some Damn Art a new exhibition began - on show is the wonderful watercolour work of Anna Emilia Laitinen.

Garden of a Moon Gazer

Records of nature, Anna Emilia's work is soft, quiet and feminine.  She was born and bred in Finland and now lives in the city of Tampere where there is an abundance of inspiration surrounding her!  Birds, animals, trees, flowers and leaves dominate her beautiful paintings.  Usually a figure or a structure is included in the composition, consequently presenting a narrative to the viewer.
Brewing Tent

Spring Tents

In Feather Islands

Grandmothers Bouquet

If you don't know much about Buy Some Damn Art, it's an online based art gallery.  Recently there has been a growing trend in the sale of prints and editions of artwork, and the internet has made this so accessible.  As a result original artworks can get somewhat forgotten.  BSDA prides itself on the sale of original artwork and every Tuesday unveils a new exhibition and shows that exhibition for 6 weeks in which time viewers are given the opportunity to purchase an original piece of artwork for a reasonable price.  Artist's that have been showcased on the website include Sarah Burwash, Seth Clark, Jessica Bell and Katy Horan.  Get on board, yo'!

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